Rainier Oregon Historical Museum

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Recent ROHM Acquisitions

We wish to thank those who have given us these precious items to be archived and to be shared with the future generations to come. If you have anything Rainier related (could be just an old store receipt) please contact Kay Heflin or Tiffany Trahan below or come by the museum on the third floor of the city hall on Saturdays 12:00 to 4:00 PM. If you have an old photograph that you can't part with, we can scan it. Don't let these pieces of history be lost forever. Please contact:

Kay Heflin, at kay-lynn2@hotmail.com, ph.# 503-556-4089, cell# 360-751-7039.
Click on images to enlarge.

On April 4 the museum received the book "From Boats to Board Feet, The Wilson Family of the Pacific Coast" by Emily M. Wilson. The book tells the story of the Wilson family lumber empire that stretched along the Pacific coast. It had its beginnings in Rainier in the late 1800s and the book details their stay and impact on our small community. Thank you Emily for this wonderful donation to our museum.
ROHM President Kay Heflin wrote: I was overjoyed when Jan Everman brought this boat model in and donated it to the Rainier Oregon Historical Museum. It is very special because my Uncle Rocky Foshaug built this model of the Climax. Rocky built it for his friend Howard Everman, who was the Captain of the Climax until he retired from Smith Tub and Barge. April 25, 2018.
38-inch model of the Elsinore made by local artist Phil Fake. Local cabinetmaker Ron Fadden built the wooden display case to specifications for the model. Model and case were unveiled at the museum on April 28, 2018. Click here for news on the unveiling.

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Contact me at Clarkmikew@aol.com for any questions
Copyright 2017